‘I need a graphic designer’

…was your question to Google. Google will come up with so many results, you’ll get overwhelmed by the results and just click away. Still no graphic designer.

Chronic choice stress is terrible. Of course I can’t make the choice for you by saying to hire this graphic designer, but that wouldn’t be fair, even though I know a lot about my profession, so perhaps I can make your choice a little bit easier by writing down the steps to take into consideration.

  1. Budget
    Whatever project it is, first determine your budget. Is there even a budget for a designer? The more budget, the more choice you have to hire a professional.
    It doesn’t have to be a strict budget down to the last penny, but realise that designers also like to pay their rent with dollars, instead of exposure. (Really, I asked at the bakery but I didn’t get any bread in exchange for exposure points I had earned)
  2. Portfolio
    Now you know how much your budget is, you can look for designers with a niche. For example, have you written a children’s book and are you now looking for help with the design? Choose a designer who has made a niche out of it and who has so much experience that this designer will guide you through the entire process. Look also at portfolios of designers. Is it a certain style that attracts you, how much experience does this designer have, is your project something this designer could do?
  3. Reviews
    Nowadays it’s so easy to make a beautiful website, with convincing text where you immediately think, this is the person I need! Just click a little bit further before you make a choice. Are there (real) reviews on the website that lead to real companies and people? If so, you can be sure that this designer really knows what she is doing.
  4. Contact
    If what you read and see so far makes you happy, you will of course want to get in touch. You fill in the form and wait for a response. Do you get a quick reply? Then it’s definitely a winner. It’s of course possible that a form has not worked properly or your mail has ended up in spam, so if you don’t hear anything and you really want to work with this designer, a phone call is quicker.
  5. The conversation
    Nowadays, the first meeting can be done in many ways, live at the kitchen table, via zoom, or simply by telephone. Think, before you get into the meeting, the questions you like to ask, for example: can you work with my budget? (and not: nah what would it cost me??), how quickly can you schedule my project, can you work with the deadline?
    You can quickly sense in a conversation whether you have a click with this designer, whether the designer is willing to think in solutions or only in problems.
    What about the printing? Does the designer want to arrange that for you too, or will you take the file home and he wishes you the best of luck?
    If the meeting gives you a good vibe, you’ve probably found your designer.

Now what….
When you decided to work with this designer, she will send you a quotation in which the entire project is described and how much it will cost. After signing, the project will be scheduled in and the designer starts working on your project. You will receive regular updates on the progress of the project. After the project is finished you will receive an invoice, which you will of course pay immediately because you are so happy with the result.

I hope you enjoyed this article and it will help you choosing the right graphic designer. But if you stil have questions, don’t hesitate to send me a message!
I’m always happy to answer your question.


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